
I don’t really know why you ended up here, but it means we’ll be stuck together for a while. You shouldn’t fight it—I believe it’s called fate.

I could tell you so many lies about so many things, but it’s best you read the truth here. Just know I’m probably on your side. No monetization of your attention—pinky promise. Actually, I’ve made some pledges to you; read them here. Maybe this time, I can actually keep my word ☺️.

This place is my little corner on the internet, located under the floor of the otag mansion. All content originates here, and social media is just an afterthought. If you follow this blog, you’ll get everything first and in full. My goal is to leave social media behind entirely someday—I don’t like it, let’s leave it at that.

You can always contact me via email because I don’t check DMs. I’d love to hear from you!!!